Haters gonna hate… An optimistic side to break ups


Who says Break ups are bad, like other things in life (excluding suicide :P) breaks ups have a brighter side to them too, Heres how :

Dieting is going to be so much more easier for you now, since heartbrokens lose appetite i heard 😛

since by now you must by swimming in I.O.Us to people who you borrowed money from to buy you ex those presents, smoking cigarettes like a chimney could very well be your best addiction and friend till you die alone…so go all John Wayne on them Marlboros 🙂

Since you tend to fall in love every 15…….Seconds…..you should be in love in exactly……Now, congrats you bad a@# you 🙂

You can finally go ahead and clean that room of yours,since half the stuff in it (shirts,pants,colognes,pictures 😛 ) would remind you of your ex,you should throw them in the “Memories” basket….preferably set it on fire 🙂

You get to feel like what poor people and artists in this country feel like….sad,depressed,lonely…..only difference is they have motivation and talent to come out of it….YOU son don’t 😀

its ok to cry during movies now and not feel stupid, dude “guys” cried during the Twilight movie, simply because thats the only place you can cry openly. (NOT).

You will finally understand and learn HOW TO DELETE PHONE NUMBERS from your address book.

when you look at your SMS inbox and you see “empty” written you will finally understand the importance of connecting with old friends…YA the ones you forgot, those old friends :D.

You get to finally reconnect with your pet.

You can try to convince your parents that they owe you money considering how much they saved since you aren’t going to have a wedding. KAACHIINGGG $$.

Watching your friends children have temper tantrums no longer has the same ominous implications and returns to just being plain funny.

You can finally get back to wearing those KEWL clothes for your night outs B-)

More or less in the end its gonna be pretty much ok….Life goes on and the world goes round as it is supposed to…it’ll be ok, promise :).